Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today I am discouraged.  So is Joe.  Life is hard and we feel attacked on many fronts.

 instead of focusing on that I'm going to focus on thankfulness.

So here is a short list of things(both serious and silly) I'm thankful for!

  • A Heavenly Father who really does provide all my needs
  • That my husband has a job
  • That my husband supports and encourages me to stay home and raise our children
  • My wonderful husband and how he continues to pursue relationship with me, even when it's hard
  • My boy(s).  Life is so different and wonderful with you
  • My family.  Near or far we support, encourage and love each other
  • My friends.  You are family.
  • That my son only wakes up once a night (pending teething and sickness)
  • Facebook and Pinterest
  • Creativity and Crafts
  • Ice cream
  • Sunlight
  • A very healthy pregnancy
There is, of course, so many other things I could put down.  But that's a good little list for now.

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