Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Being ok with me!

As some of you know I love personality types.  Myers-Brigg test, DISC, Four temperaments, enneagram, etc.  I guess it's because I love people and understanding more about them.  Insights into how they think and process.  Typical strengths and opportunities.  I love it.

Recently I was introduced to the Strengths Finder book.  If you aren't familiar with it it's basically focusing on what you are good at rather than trying to change what you naturally have a harder time with.  For example: I don't like math and I'm not very good at it.  I am not going to choose a career in accounting or statistics.  I'd actually heard of this concept about 5 years ago before I moved to Redding but hadn't heard very much about it.  But Joe's department at work is now going through the book as a department and I asked if I could join in.  Our first meeting isn't until next Monday (my wonderful husband's birthday!) but we took our tests already.  Not surprising to anyone who knows me even a little my top 5 strengths are about people, communication, and connecting.  You would think this wouldn't come as a shock to me or be anything that would make me deal with anything inside me.  But it is.

I'm an outgoing person.  I like need to be around people.  So what's the problem?

I've spent the last 10 months basically not leaving my house much.  Oh, I run errands and we go to church. But if I'm being completely honest it's not enough for me.  I need more interaction than that.  But somehow I've had it in my brain that my personality type (basically who I am) is less than everyone else. So I've spent years trying to calm down my personality.  I'm not exactly sure why I have thought this, but couple it with trying to be what I thought was the perfect image of the perfect stay at home mom and I'm pretty much trying not to be who I am.  I'm working on figuring out where those thoughts and ideas came from but the bigger deal is accepting the truth.

No personality type is better than another.
Who I am naturally is GREAT!
I need to embrace who I am.

I don't have all (or many) answers to how I am going to work on this.  But it is becoming a blaring need that I have to change something.  I'll continue to share that journey as I make it

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